
Fully featured Rating component using CSS only, no JS at all



<div class="cssonly-rating">
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="5" id="rating-5" />
<label for="rating-5"></label>
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="4" id="rating-4" />
<label for="rating-4"></label>
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="3" id="rating-3" />
<label for="rating-3"></label>
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="2" id="rating-2" />
<label for="rating-2"></label>
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="1" id="rating-1" />
<label for="rating-1"></label>


CSS Variables

--icon-size: <px> // default value: 36px
--filled-icon: <char> // default value: "★"
--non-filled-icon: <char> // default value: "☆"
--filled-color: <color> // default value: #ffb400
--non-filled-color: <color> // default value: #bdbdbd

HTML Attributes options

A default initial value can be set by adding checked attribute to one of the radio inputs.

Custom examples

Initial value set

Custom icons and colors

Custom icons using FontAwesome

Reset option